
Friday, February 29, 2008

Monster kaki bulat (Rounded-foot monster)

Terbang pake balon (Flying with balloon)

Monster mata lampu (Monster with lighting eyes)

Ikan paus (Whales)

Monster keong (Snail monster)

Monster keong (Snail monster)

Monster tanduk (Monster with horns)

Monster kotak mata banyak (Square monster with lots of eyes)

Monster kotak biru (Blue square monster)

Orang ditonjok hantu (A person got knocked off by an invisible ghost)

Orang naik rainbow (A person climbing a rainbow)

Monster Crab

Monster house

Jerapah (Giraffe)

Ular (Snake)

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Interpretation of: Got dan hujan (Sewer and rain)

The original drawing
------------------------------------------------------An interpretation by Mamad Purbo

The Ohmus heal Nausicaa

Ohmu (from the movie 'Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind')

Original image from the movie

Pohon Kelapa (Coconut tree)

Christer & Virna

Tengkorak (Kerangka = Skeleton)

Mr. Crab



Saturday, February 23, 2008

Interpretation of: Tante Resti

The original drawing

An interpretation by Mamad Purbo